About Into the Light

Into the Light Healing & Bodywork

The idea for Into the Light came as I was reading a faith formation book by Matthew Kelly. It was a chapter about changing the world by each individual growing in virtue and character. As I read each page about the best way to live, new ideas popped into my head about how to organize a higher level of practice for my skill set.

The principles discussed by Kelly became my organizing principles for Into the Light: Virtue, humility, generosity, patience, courage, kindness, and honesty. Using these principles, I am shaping the way I provide skilled, individualized care in a safe and loving environment to promote healing from within oneself and in relationships. As you heal and grow closer to our Lord, you become the best version of yourself.

You are not the only one who has the opportunity to heal and grow here; I believe all of this came to me so that I too can become the truest version of myself and draw closer to God, hopefully becoming a true disciple of Christ. Thank you for choosing me so we can grow together.

As humans, we are body and soul, physical and spiritual. If one is hurt, it affects the other. In my mind, it follows that to heal one, the source of the pain, both need to be addressed. I've immersed my working space in scripture and have been growing closer to God in my own faith journey so that I might support yours. I've studied and learned how to physically support the body's natural healing process so that I can serve you and provide you with tools to keep it up on your own. 

About Kristin (Video)

Hello my friends! Are you ready to break free from living in fear and hurt? Can you let God heal your wounds?

It is not all up to you. Guided by God, I am one of the many who can facilitate your journey to wellness. I'm Kristin, and probably like you, I have a lot of roles in this life. I'm God's beloved daughter, a wife, a mother, daughter, sister, physical therapist, body worker, active leader and participant in my church, friend, entrepreneur, the list goes on and on. Sometimes, it gets overwhelming. I've found that the more I invite Jesus into my heart, His loving light guides my path and makes every role work just right into the beautiful tapestry that is my life.

This came through most around the second wave of the COVID pandemic, when I felt Him calling me to do more with my physical therapy practice. He guided me out of my comfort zone into owning my own business, where I can facilitate healing with Him at the center.

With this work together, I'm offering you a safe place to bring your pain Into the Light so you can begin the healing process within with love and support. It is an opportunity to heal the hurts that have gotten stuck in your body if you can come to my office, and if not, a way to use movement in TherEx Flow to restore balance of your tissues. It takes work, but you will not be alone. I am your servant. My purpose is to help you process your past and become the truest version of yourself going forward. Let's invite our Lord, the divine physician, into our work together, and ask Him to reveal the wounds from which you are ready to heal.